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Separate Room

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 7:57 am
by Esth Me'sku
This may... or may not be a good idea. Probably a hit or miss! But.. Separate rooms! Always was fond of the thought. Though for obvious reasons, I could see reasoning behind why this would be a bad idea ;) So before taking it any further, was wanting to toss up the idea of separate room divisions. But what brings my suggestion to a public forum is this.

I am not sure if it is a mapping process (most likely is!) or could be somehow implemented to RP mod. This is more on the lines of teleportation. There are certain maps out in the community where you would walk onto a platform and be immediately transported elsewhere in the map. I was curious if this was a good idea for ::JEDI:: or just.. something I find interesting.

The idea is as follows! We would have separate sections of the map be based into individual rooms and the coordinates be saved to each individual RP account. The student/master would walk onto it and mapped into separate rooms would be the persons unique room. Though RP as if ::Walks into room::

Thoughts, concerns? If its just that horrible or canon OOC then please by all means, delete this! Just wanted to toss up some creativity.

Re: Separate Room

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 8:48 am
by Virtuo Alegan
Would take far too much work. Mapping and account managing. While mapping is easy, not everyone is able to actually finish a project.

Re: Separate Room

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 9:23 am
by Zander-Bo Umra
Maybe the map is already quite big enough, not sure on the limit.
And then, what if you wanted to go into a room together and couldn't?

Re: Separate Room

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 9:37 am
by Esth Me'sku
Zander-Bo Umra wrote:And then, what if you wanted to go into a room together and couldn't?
That is what a little tweaking is for! ;)

I understand it has its pros and cons. More cons than pros. But hey! It could be a possibility if given the time and day. Perhaps, though, its one of those ideas that in the end puts to much time and effort into than what its worth.

Re: Separate Room

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 10:57 am
by Azrael
Far too much unnecessary work in my opinion. Why not just have these new rooms and have people be able to walk into them normally? Adding teleport points is quite unnecessary and, for me at least, would break the overall 'feel' of the map. I also don't think 'personal' teleport locations based on account is possible, given the age of the game engine. As Zander said though, this is kind of pointless as it would prevent multiple people from entering a room.

Re: Separate Room

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 11:14 am
by Tergos Zemnos
Didn't Sai's file for the map get corrupted and unable to use?