446.18 | Thanium Worlds - Speak of the Devil

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446.18 | Thanium Worlds - Speak of the Devil

Post by Zhu'shk »

Speak of the Devil
Name: Zhu'shk
Rank: Padawan Learner
Date(s): 446.18
Location: Stenos to Lianna hyperspace routes, inside the Emperor's Corvette the Jade Jewel, Lianna.
Members of the Jedi Order present:
  • Jedi Knight Donan Healof
  • Padawan Learner Zhu'shk

Public Information
Publicly Available Information on the events
Level of Exposure: <Galaxy>
  • Jedi Knight Donan Healof and Padawan Zhu'shk escorted the Emperor of Stenos, Emperor Hautrn, to Lianna, fighting off a violent ambush by Traditional Extremist Stenax.
  • The Sooman Ambassador, Molara Landra attempted to assassinate Emperor Hautrn before his speech on Lianna aswell, and was put in house arrest. The attempt was personal and irrational, and stated by the Queen of the Sooman as unreflective of the planet and its people's opinion.
  • The speech was delivered successfully, after which the Emperor died at the Lianna hospital later that day.
  • This is the speech, in its entirety:
    Emperor Hautrn of Stenos wrote: My time in this galaxy is quickly coming to a close. Throughout my life, I’ve lived in the shadow of a painful legacy that looms over the histories of both our sectors. To many outside of Spadja and Thanium, they ask why blood feuds from four centuries ago should still run so deep? They tell us to move past our differences, to let go of that past. Those people outside of our worlds mean well when they say so, but they do not understand the depths of tradition, of pride, of pain, and of legacy that our shared past of conqueror and conquered brings to our now.

    For my part, I recognize the terrors of genocide that my immediate ancestors imparted upon yours. There is no excuse, no words that can be said to soothe the still open wounds or speed the healing of many peoples. Nonetheless, I’m here to offer what words that I can in pursuit of that goal, despite the perceived futility. On behalf of my people…

    I am sorry. We were wrong. We are wrong.

    As I speak, a conservative movement on my world has been gathering power and support among many of my people and within my government. When I am gone, which will be in the near future, they will have the means and ability to act on their doctrine of returning the Stenax people to the forefront of power in our galactic neighborhood.

    They plan to do so at the expense of your worlds, as my ancestors did centuries ago. They plan to do so with the help of foreign powers and criminals who have been illegally supplying them with ships, weapons, ammunition, and supplies. They plan to do so to reclaim a glory that never was, in a way that will never bear the fruit they seek. Their plan will only further tarnish the future of our species and our world.

    You, together, assembled as one, have the capacity to hold off this oncoming storm. To defend yourselves versus those of my people who have been so indoctrinated, misled, and taken in by this extremist ideology. Alone, each of you will fall to the superior numbers, technology, and training of the Stenax naval and army forces. I beseech you all. Whatever it takes to unify, whatever you must give up… Do so. Do so to insure the continued freedom that your forebears understood the sweetness of once released from the yolk of my violent ancestors. Do so, so that your children will grow up so accustomed to that flavor of freedom that they know no other feeling.

    Come together to stand free, or fall under oppression alone. Only you may decide.

Padawan Security Clearance
Information available to Padawans+
  • The entire ship felt of lies and deceit, which likely took the form of the Traditionalists, aswell as a lack of care in finding the slugthrowers later used in the attempts.
  • The loyalists aboard were killed by the Traditionalists, the Traditionalists were killed.
  • A reinforcement ships of the traditionalists coupled during the assault, the Jedi had to escort the Emperor and his bodyguard to the security room to unlock access to doors in the ship, as someone with higher administrator access sealed most doors, and launched the emergency escape pods.
  • The Bodyguard died on the way. At the security room, Padawan Zhu'shk took advantage of a backdoor and got access to the mainframe, unlocking the emergency sealed doors.
  • The Jedi then had to move to the Hyperdrive core to repair it, which Padawan Zhu'shk did while under fire.
  • Then they had to fight their way to the bridge and perform a decoupling of the enemy ship.
  • As it was performed, Jedi Knight Donan Healof suffered from explosions defending against traditionalists.
  • After the jump, the three remaining aboard visited the Medbay.
  • Upon Arrival on Lianna, Karna Leeve was met, then the Troob Ambassador, and the Sooman Ambassador, Molara Landra.
  • The Jedi felt another sense of a murderous intent in the room. And guessed accurately that Molara Landra was the source. Jedi Knight Donan Healof noticed that a carafe handle was missing after she attempted to serve the Emperor a drink.
  • It was found again, as part of an assembled improvised slugthrower, to be used by Molara Landra during the Emperor's speech to kill him.
  • She was stopped and arrested before the Emperor could be killed.
  • Both Jedi tended to their wounds minimally aboard the Jade Jewel's medbay, before being properly assessed and treated on Duneeden in 446.19 by Jedi Knight Aranna Vaan.

Knight Security Clearance
Information available to Knights+
  • Padawan Zhu'shk grabbed a flechette launcher used by the traditionalists, and used it against them, aiding in the death of two stenaxes to protect the Emperor Hautrn.

Related Events
Links to either potential or confirmed related events/stories/missions
446.20 // Thanium Mobilizes
446.18 // Thanium Sector under threat!
443.18 // Stenax Emperor Hautrn Turns 243, Health Raises Concerns Over Succession
Summary and Actions
An opinion offered by the reportee and their recommended actions.
Shares with same clearance with the highest used section above

In my opinion..

As we see, the Thanium Worlds are now at their most willing to form a Coalition, and therefore stand a chance against the Stenaxes, especially Stenaxes backed with Third Estate weapons.

It must be taken advantage of by helping the Coalition to form, and help the Thanium Worlds survive, for the sake of billions.

The Sooman ambassador will have to be forgiven for irrationality, or at least the people she represents, for, it is the mistake of the person the ambassador, and not her people.

Either way, by will or won't, Karna Leeves, the Galidraan Ambassador will accept nothing less than all seven remaining planets, they must be supported against the Alzarians and so have their support for the Coalition.

The Stenax Emperor risked his life to bring his message, he believes in it fully, and future peace for the Thanium Worlds, I tend to trust his judgement, we should prepare for the worst.

My recommendations are as follows...
  • Sooma should be supported despite its Ambassador's mistake in judgement.
  • A coalition that supports all members should be preferable to prepare for what the Emperor warned.
  • Action should be taken to ensure each world is most likely to cooperate to allow for all worlds' support in the Coalition. In fact, I am writing this report from Lianna. I, and other students, have already begun measures for this goal. I have taken action of my own recommendations because I believe it is the Will, I take responsability.
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